+$250 U.S. government filing fee per class
United States Trademark
- "One Fee Pricing" to apply to get your registration - no hidden fees and costs
- Comprehensive trademark search using software algorithms and proprietary trademark techniques
- You are represented by top U.S. Trademark Attorney who analyzes trademark search results
- Preparation and filing of your U.S. trademark application in compliance with current legal and statutory laws by U.S. Trademark Attorney
- Includes responding to the U.S. Trademark Office to provide a disclaimer or to amend the description of goods or services associated with your trademark
- Ask about our "Monster Guarantee"
- Discount for multiple trademarks including word marks and logos
onster International
Foreign Filings
+filing fees
International Trademark
- Initial legal consultation with Trademark Attorney to determine foreign countries for trademark protection
- Comprehensive international trademark search using software algorithms and proprietary trademark techniques
- You are represented by an International trademark attorney who analyzes trademark search results
- Preparation and filing of your International trademark application under the international Madrid Protocol
- International Trademark Attorney works directly with World Intellectual Property Organization to get your International trademark registration
“MONSTER GUARANTEE” – While we cannot guarantee that every trademark will be registered by the U.S. Trademark Office, what we can guarantee is that we will do everything possible to make sure your trademark is registered. However, sometimes things just don’t work out the way we planned. Accordingly, if you receive a written opinion that your trademark is likely to be approved for registration by the U.S. Trademark Office, but the U.S. Trademark Office refuses registration on both the Principal Register and the Supplemental Register, then you will have the legal fees refunded or they can be used towards a new trademark application – your choice. Unfortunately, the government filing fees are not refundable and are not included as part of the Monster Guarantee. The Monster Guarantee does not apply to the International trademark application.
“ONE FEE PRICING” – For U.S. trademark applications you pay one legal fee to apply for your trademark registration and you’re done. All legal fees for a comprehensive search and preparing and filing your trademark application are included. In some cases there will be additional government fees incurred when recording ownership assignments, filing a Statement of Use, time extensions, or renewals, and legal fees for responding to the Trademark Office, for example. If your trademark is not currently in use when your trademark application is filed, which is known as an “intent-to-use” application, there are fees for the Statement of Use and/or time extensions down the road to obtain the registration. Ask your attorney if you have any questions about the government filing fees and legal fees.
For International trademark applications, you pay one legal fee for us to prepare and file your application and obtain your international trademark registration under the Madrid Protocol. One Fee Pricing does not include nonrefundable government filing fees and costs that are required and our Monster Guarantee does not apply to international trademark applications.